Show that you sew with Mood fabrics and you could win a $200 gift card from us!
We borrowed this blog badge idea from our friends at Lion Brand Yarn. In return for showing everyone you sew with Mood fabrics, we’ll enter you in our random drawings for $200 Mood gift cards. To be eligible to win, all you have to do is:
- Display this badge above on your sewing, home decor, craft, DIY or fashion blog in a prominent spot, and link it to
- Send us an email at, with “blog badge” in the subject line, letting us know you are displaying the badge. We will keep an active list of all bloggers displaying this Mood badge.
Beginning in March, every other month we will randomly pick a blogger from this list, who will receive a $200 gift certificate to*. The winner will be notified by email and via Mood Fabrics’ Facebook page. Repeat random winners are allowed.
Date of drawings in 2014:
January 6, March 3, May 1, July 1, September 3, November 3
Dates of drawings in 2013:
March 1, 2013 (winner: Ebony Haight of SewStylist)
May 1, 2013 (winner: Shannon Jordan of shanniloves)
July 1, 2013 (winner: Erin of Miss Crayola Creepy)
September 1, 2013 (winner: Melody of Melody Sews)
November 1, 2013 (winner: Bethany of Lil Bit and Nan)
January 7, 2014 (winner: Kristine of KB Designs)
*excludes dressforms and all items beginning with PV. Gift certificate can only be redeemed online and not in any Mood store.
Just receivedbmy first Mood fabric purchase. i sew because of the beautiful fabrics like this that are available.
This is a great idea but I wish you guys would support international shipping in a way that is in line with the fact that is it now 2013.
I popped onto your website to see if there was anything that took my fancy the other day and realised that I have to ring (?!) to find out abut shipping rates?! I think you should update your shipping methods to include the international sewing community, not much point in us following your sewing bloggers if I cannot get my hands on the beautiful fabrics they use.
Melissa, we hear you! Our new, almost-ready web site will feature a MUCH simpler international shipping process that we hope you will like. Thank you for being a fan and we hope you will shop with us as soon as our new site debuts.
Please, make this web site ready soon…
Awesome Meg, I look forward to seeing the new site launch and browsing some pretty fabrics for my own projects. Thansk so much for the reply.
I have displayed your badge on my blog’s side bar: please put me in the draw, I hope I can buy some great fabrics from your new international-postage-friendly site soon 🙂
Hi, just checking if this is open internationally as I have made things from fabric I bought whilst in your store in NYC and still have some in my stash? Also looking forward to your new website making international ordering easier, I love browsing your site and wish I could order from you!
Yes, it is open to international bloggers as well.
do you have to be a blogger to enter this contest?
if not, is there another way to enter?
You have to have a blog or a website…someplace you can display the badge where others can see it.
I’m displaying my badge today!!
The Mood badge is proudly on display at
I’ve posted it to my facebook timeline!
Hi Paula! Do you have a Facebook page, like for a blog or business, or are you meaning your own personal Facebook timeline?