As we refresh our homes and swap heavy coats for lightweight jackets, we also need to consider how we maintain our creative spaces from season to season. Let’s take a look at how we can get the most out of our upcoming projects with a little Spring Sewing Maintenance.
Sewing Machine Care: Winter sewing can be harsh on your machine especially if you have used heavyweight fabrics like wool, corduroy, and sweater knits. In addition, I’m sure we’ve all done a little holiday sewing with sequins and fabrics that shed like velvet. Chances are your machine may need a good cleaning. Maintaining a healthy well-functioning sewing machine is essential for creating well-made garments. It’s the first step to ensure successful sewing during any season. Follow our guide for Sewing Machine Care and Maintenance right here on Sewciety!
Fabric Storage: In addition to having a clean and tidy working environment, you should also prepare your winter fabric for seasonal storage.
When storing wool and sweater knits, fold your fabric with acid-free tissue paper and store it in an airtight container. Knits should never be stored on hangers. Hanging your knit fabric will cause them to stretch and sometimes leave permanent hanger marks. If you are storing specialty fabrics leftover from holiday sewing such as beaded or sequin fabrics, roll them with a layer of tissue or pattern paper to keep them from snagging. Then place in an airtight container.
Tools and Supplies: Wool, denim, and other heavyweight natural fibers tend to dull fabric scissors quicker than other synthetic fibers that may have been treated. It’s always good to invest in a new pair of fabric scissors as you change seasons. Tools and sewing supplies can be quite expensive so, if you are looking for ways to budget, you can purchase a sharpener or have your fabric sheers sharpened at your local hardware store.
Sewing Needles: Changing your sewing needles according to the weight of your fabric should come as second nature. As we head into Spring, most of our sewing will be done using lightweight fabrics that will transition into Summer. Make sure you take inventory of your sewing machine needles to make sure you have the appropriate sizes for all your Spring sewing projects.
Organize Your Sewing Space: Last but certainly not least, it’s time to declutter and organize your sewing space. The task may seem daunting, but so worth it in the end. Give your space a good cleaning from top to bottom as you transitioning into a New Season! Use our free “Create A Beautiful Space Worksheet” to help you find ways to best utilize your sewing room. Remember, maintenance is essential for a successful outcome. Happy Spring Sewing!