Specialty Fabric

Explore Mood's extensive range of specialty fabrics online. From lace to faux leather to metallics to sequins fabrics, your by the yard specialty fabrics dreams are answered!

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Explore Mood's extensive range of specialty fabrics online. From lace to faux leather to metallics to sequins fabrics, your by the yard specialty fabrics dreams are answered!

For Mood, keeping its selection of specialty fabrics creatively complete means including a wide range of those specialty fabrics that have shaped and defined the history of textiles. Lace, one of Mood’s busiest of specialty fabrics, has been in high demand and rapid development since the late 16th Century, with both guipure lace and fine lace dominating the worlds of fashion and home decor. From the Great Gatsby era of the 1920s to the leather jackets of the 1950s, it’s impossible to build a collection of specialty fabrics without the inclusion of fringe. And with the current rise in neoprene and faux fur, specialty fabrics are more relevant today than they’ve ever been.