Every $1 spent on Moodfabrics.com will earn 1 point. Shipping and Taxes are exempt from earning points. Certain sales are exempt from earning points. Mood Fabrics reserves the right to change, modify and/or cancel the Mood Points program at its sole discretion without notice.
  • Each $1.00 spent for your order will earn 1 Mood Point.
  • Max 1 Point for all Swatch Products in Cart
  • $1 equals 1 Point
You can redeem your points at checkout after you have earned 500 Mood Points. Redeemable Mood Points can be used in conjunction with other payment methods such as credit cards, gift cards and store credits. Mood Points are only redeemable on Moodfabrics.com and not redeemable in Mood Fabrics stores nor redeemable as cash.
  • Each 500 Mood Points can be redeemed for $25.00.
You have the ability to view and manage your Mood Points through your Customer Account. From your account you will be able to view your total (and currency equivalent), minimum needed to redeem and a cumulative history of acquired, redeemed and lost points. The history record will retain and display historical rates and currency for informational purposes only.
In its current state, Mood Points do not expire.
*NOTE: Points can be used as store credit at Moodfabrics.com only. Redeeming to cash or gift cards is not allowed.


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